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Saint Appar Quotes on Shiva

Saint Appar Quotes on Shiva

Shiva is the end, the one Primordial
The two as man and woman
The three as gunas (satva, rajas and tamas)
The four as eternal Vedas
The five as bhutas
The six as the taste
The seven as musical notes
The eight as directions
And also beyond all these.

Explanation of the poem:

This poem appears to be a reflection on the multifaceted nature of Shiva, a principal deity in Hinduism, who embodies various aspects of existence and creation. Let's break down the poem's lines to understand its deeper meanings:

"Shiva is the end, the one Primordial": Shiva is often associated with destruction or dissolution, signifying the end of cycles and the beginning of new ones. He is also considered the original source, the primordial force from which everything arises and to which everything returns.

"The two as man and woman": This line likely refers to the concept of Ardhanarishvara, where Shiva is depicted as half male and half female, symbolizing the union of masculine and feminine energies and the complementary aspects of creation.

"The three as gunas (satva, rajas, and tamas)": The three gunas represent fundamental qualities or energies that govern the universe: sattva (purity, harmony), rajas (activity, passion), and tamas (darkness, inertia). Shiva encompasses these qualities, illustrating his omnipresence and control over all aspects of existence.

"The four as eternal Vedas": The Vedas are ancient scriptures in Hinduism, considered the foundational texts of knowledge and spirituality. The reference to Shiva as the four Vedas suggests that he is the essence and embodiment of divine wisdom and eternal truths contained within these scriptures.

"The five as bhutas": Bhutas refer to the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and ether—of which the physical world is composed. Shiva's connection to the bhutas underscores his role as the cosmic force that governs the elements and sustains the universe.

"The six as the taste": This line may allude to the six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent) in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. It could symbolize Shiva's omnipresence in all sensory experiences and his role in shaping the flavors of life.

"The seven as musical notes": In Hindu tradition, music is considered a divine art form associated with spiritual elevation. Shiva is often depicted as Nataraja, the cosmic dancer, whose dance symbolizes the rhythmic movement of the universe. The reference to the seven musical notes highlights Shiva's connection to the arts and the harmonious rhythm of creation.

"The eight as directions": In Hindu cosmology, there are eight cardinal directions (north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest), each associated with specific deities and energies. Shiva's association with the eight directions signifies his omnipresence and dominion over all spatial dimensions.

"And also beyond all these": Finally, this line suggests that Shiva transcends all categorizations and descriptions. Despite being symbolized and represented through various aspects of existence, Shiva ultimately exists beyond human comprehension and conceptualization, emphasizing his ineffable and transcendent nature.

Overall, the poem portrays Shiva as the supreme and all-encompassing deity who pervades every aspect of creation, from the most elemental to the most abstract, and who transcends all limitations and definitions. It invites contemplation on the boundless nature of divinity and the interconnectedness of all things within the cosmos.