Pancharatra Deepam is the festival of lights in Tamil Nadu and it is observed on the full moon day (or a day earlier) in the month of Karthigai (November-December) on the Karthigai Nakshatram day. Pancharatra Deepam 2024 date is December 15. Pancharatra is the name associated with the tradition and rituals followed by the Vaishnava Community. Please note that in some years the day falls a day after the famous Karthigai Deepam.
The main event on the day is the lighting of traditional oil lamps in the evening after sunset. Karthigai is the name of the one of the stars or Nakshatras and deepam is the term for light or diya.
On the day, temples, homes and streets are decorated with traditional oil lamps. Special pujas and prayers are held in temples on the day.
The lighting of lamp is an auspicious symbol and it is believed to usher in peace and prosperity. The day is also known as Vishnu Deepam.