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Importance of Sashtang Pranam – Lying face down on earth before God in Hindu Temple

Sashtang Pranam, or Sashtanga Pranamam, is lying face down on earth and offering prayers to God in a Hindu Temple. Sashtang Pranam is one among the numerous ways to wipe out the ego. By lying down before the deity, a Hindu is killing his/her ego and recognizing the Supreme Truth – there is no second only that exists.

When pride and ego are quelled, majority of our problems are solved. This helps in controlling stress and depression. Sashtang Pranam at a temple during early morning hours helps a person to have a good and fruitful day.

Sashtang Pranam is also considered as a very good form of exercise. Lying down on stomach and stretching both the arms in front and bringing them together helps in good blood circulation.

Sashtang Pranam, a full-body prostration in which a devotee lies face down on the ground with arms extended forward, is a significant practice in Hindu worship, particularly in temples. The term "Sashtang" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Sa" (with), "Ashta" (eight), and "Anga" (limbs), meaning prostration with eight parts of the body touching the ground: the hands, feet, knees, chest, forehead, and temple.

Spiritual Significance

  1. Total Surrender: Sashtang Pranam symbolizes the devotee's complete surrender and humility before God. By lying prostrate, a devotee demonstrates the relinquishment of ego and submission to the divine will.
  2. Expression of Devotion: It is an ultimate gesture of reverence and devotion, showing that the devotee offers their entire being—body, mind, and soul—to the deity.
  3. Purification: The act is believed to purify the devotee, cleansing them of sins and negative karma. It is a way to seek divine grace and forgiveness.

Physical and Psychological Benefits

  1. Grounding and Centering: Physically touching the earth while prostrating can be grounding, helping devotees feel more connected to their surroundings and to the divine.
  2. Humility and Discipline: The act reinforces humility, a key virtue in Hindu philosophy, and cultivates a disciplined and respectful attitude.
  3. Stress Relief: The physical act of bowing deeply and stretching out can also provide relaxation and stress relief, contributing to mental well-being.

Cultural and Ritualistic Importance

  1. Traditional Practice: Sashtang Pranam is deeply rooted in Hindu culture and traditions, often performed during temple visits, festivals, and personal prayer sessions.
  2. Ritual Purity: In many rituals, this form of prostration is seen as an essential component to achieve ritual purity and readiness to receive blessings.
  3. Universal Gesture: This practice is not limited to temples but can be performed at home or in any sacred space, making it a universal gesture of piety within Hinduism.

Symbolism in Mythology and Scriptures

  1. Scriptural References: Hindu scriptures and epics, such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, contain numerous instances of devotees and deities themselves performing Sashtang Pranam, underscoring its importance.
  2. Divine Interaction: Many stories depict gods and sages blessing those who perform Sashtang Pranam, emphasizing its efficacy in invoking divine favor and blessings.

Comparative Religious Perspective

  1. Commonality Across Religions: Similar forms of prostration exist in other religions, such as Islam (Sujood) and Christianity (prostration during ordination), indicating a universal recognition of the gesture as a powerful expression of humility and devotion.
  2. Interfaith Understanding: Recognizing the common elements in such practices can foster greater interfaith understanding and respect.

Sashtang Pranam is a profound act of devotion and humility in Hinduism, reflecting the devotee's complete surrender to the divine. It is a practice that encompasses spiritual, physical, and cultural dimensions, making it a cornerstone of Hindu worship and an enduring symbol of piety and reverence.