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Yoga Ganapati Form Of Ganesha - Symbolism - Mantra

Sri Yoga Ganapati is one among the 32 forms of Ganesha. This form of Ganesh is worshipped for yogic powers and also for avoiding disturbances during meditation. Yoga Ganapati Mantra is
Yoggarudho Yoga pattabhiramah
Balarkabhah Chandra neelamshukadayah!
Pashekshvakshan Yogadandam dadanah
Payanityam Yoga Vighneshvaro nah!!

Yoga Ganapati is depicted as absorbed in meditation. A unique aspect of this form is that the knees of the murti are strapped and are in meditative posture.

This form of Ganesha has crimson body color and he wears blue clothes.

Yoga Ganapathi has four hands. They hold yoga staff, sugarcane, noose and a flower bud.

It is believed that constant meditation on this form of Ganesha helps in attaining yogic powers. He also keeps out mental disturbances.

A true devotee can achieve peace through prayers to Yoga Ganapati.

Symbolism Of Yoga Ganapati 

Yoga Ganapati is a unique form of Lord Ganesha, the Hindu deity known as the remover of obstacles and the god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune. In this form, Ganesha is depicted with specific attributes and symbolism, each carrying deeper meanings:

Crimson Body Color: The crimson or red color of Yoga Ganapati's body symbolizes energy, power, and vitality. Red is often associated with action, passion, and the life force. In the context of Yoga Ganapathi, it can represent the dynamic nature of yoga and spiritual practice.

Blue Clothes: The blue clothing worn by Yoga Ganapati signifies transcendence and spirituality. Blue is a color often associated with the divine and the infinite. It can symbolize the vastness of the universe and the boundless potential of the spiritual journey.

Four Hands: Ganesha is typically depicted with multiple arms or hands, each carrying symbolic objects. In the case of Yoga Ganapathi, the four hands represent various aspects of his divine nature and his role as a guide in the practice of yoga and spiritual discipline.

Yoga Staff (Danda): The yoga staff, also known as the danda, symbolizes discipline, authority, and control. In the context of Yoga Ganapati, it represents the mastery of the mind and body through yoga practice.

Sugarcane (Ikshu): The sugarcane symbolizes sweetness, nourishment, and the rewards of spiritual practice. It suggests that the fruits of yoga are as delightful and satisfying as the taste of sugarcane.

Noose (Pasha): The noose, or pasha, represents the power to bind and control negative forces and obstacles. In the hands of Yoga Ganapathi, it signifies his ability to remove the bonds of ignorance and attachment that hinder spiritual progress.

Flower Bud: The flower bud symbolizes purity, beauty, and potential. It represents the blossoming of spiritual consciousness and the unfolding of inner wisdom through yoga and meditation.

In essence, the symbolism of Yoga Ganapathi encapsulates the journey of spiritual awakening and self-realization through disciplined practice, guidance, and the removal of obstacles along the path to enlightenment.