Srishti Ganapati Form Of Ganesha Symbolism
The symbolism behind the depiction of Srishti Ganapati, also
known as Srishti Vinayaka, is rich and multifaceted:
Riding on the Mouse (Vahana): The mouse symbolizes the ego
and desires. By riding on the mouse, Srishti Ganapati signifies mastery over
these base instincts. It represents the control over one's desires and ego,
which are essential for creation.
Four Hands: Each hand holds a symbolic object:
- Noose (Pasha): Represents the power to capture and control negative forces and obstacles.
- Goad (Ankusha): Symbolizes the ability to steer oneself on the right path and control one's desires.
- Mango (Modaka): Signifies the sweetness and rewards of spiritual attainment.
- Broken Tusk: This is a unique attribute of Ganapati. It symbolizes sacrifice and the willingness to overcome obstacles even at personal cost.
Crimson Color: The crimson color of the body represents
vitality, energy, and the creative force. It symbolizes the dynamic aspect of
creation and the life force pulsating through the universe.
Overall, Srishti Ganapati embodies the creative aspect of Lord Ganesha, representing the divine force that brings about the manifestation of the universe. His attributes and symbolism emphasize the importance of overcoming obstacles, mastering desires, and harnessing creative energies for positive purposes.