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Runa Mochana Ganapati – Rinavimochaka form of Ganesha - Symbolism

Rinamochana Ganapati or Runa Mochana Ganapati is one among the 32 forms of Ganesha. This form of Ganesh helps a devotee overcome bondage, guilt, sins and finally blesses with Moksha. Runa Mochana Ganapati mantra is:
Pashankusha dantajamboo dadhanan sphatikaprabha!
Raktamshuko ganapatih mude Syadrinamochakah!!

Runa Mochana Ganapati has four hands.

It is believed that this form of Ganesha helps in overcoming difficulties in the path to success. It is also believed this form helps in overcoming debt related problems.

Runa Mochana Ganapati Symbolism

Runa Mochana Ganapati is one of the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha, each representing a different aspect of the deity's nature and symbolism. Runa Mochana Ganapati specifically represents "the liberator from debts." Here's a breakdown of the symbolism associated with Rinamochana Ganapati:

Form: Runa Mochana Ganapati is depicted with a golden hue, with four arms and sitting on a lotus. He may be depicted in various forms, but typically with his consorts Siddhi (success) and Buddhi (wisdom).

Attributes: In his four hands, Runa Mochana Ganapati carries a goad (ankusha), a noose (pasha), a sprig of the wish-fulfilling tree (kalpavriksha), and a pot of jewels (mani-kalasha). These symbolize his ability to guide, restrain, grant wishes, and provide wealth, respectively.

Symbolism of Debt Liberation: Rinamochana Ganapati is invoked by devotees to relieve them from various forms of debts, including financial debts, karmic debts, and even spiritual debts. Debt, in this context, refers not only to monetary obligations but also to any form of imbalance or burden in life that needs to be cleared for progress and spiritual growth.

Spiritual Interpretation: Debt is not merely financial; it can also represent the karmic debts accumulated over lifetimes. Rinamochana Ganapati is prayed to for liberation from these karmic burdens, allowing the devotee to progress spiritually unencumbered.

Symbolism of the Consorts: Siddhi and Buddhi, the consorts of Runa Mochana Ganapati, represent success and wisdom, respectively. Together, they signify the attainment of spiritual and worldly goals through the removal of obstacles (represented by Ganesha) and the application of wisdom and effort.

Lotus Seat: Sitting on a lotus symbolizes purity and detachment from worldly attachments. It signifies that Rinamochana Ganapati operates from a state of higher consciousness, unaffected by the material world.

Golden Hue: The golden hue symbolizes purity, auspiciousness, and divine radiance. It suggests the divine nature of Rinamochana Ganapati and his ability to bring about transformation and liberation.

Overall, Rinamochana Ganapati represents the aspect of Lord Ganesha that helps devotees overcome obstacles, debts, and burdens on their path towards spiritual and material fulfillment.