Self-Realization: Mataji emphasized the importance of
self-realization as the ultimate goal of human life. Self-realization,
according to her teachings, involves the awakening of the Kundalini energy,
leading to a state of inner peace, harmony, and spiritual enlightenment.
Kundalini Awakening: Central to Mataji's teachings was the
concept of Kundalini, described as a latent spiritual energy located at the
base of the spine. She taught techniques for awakening this energy, allowing it
to rise through the subtle energy centers (chakras) along the spine, leading to
spiritual transformation and self-realization.
Divine Love and Compassion: Mataji emphasized the power of
divine love and compassion as transformative forces in the world. She
encouraged her followers to cultivate love and compassion in their hearts,
leading to greater harmony and understanding among individuals and societies.
Balance and Harmony: Mataji taught the importance of
achieving balance and harmony within oneself and with the world around. This
balance involves harmonizing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
aspects of life, leading to a state of overall well-being.
Universal Brotherhood: Mataji advocated for the idea of
universal brotherhood, emphasizing the underlying unity of all beings beyond
differences of race, religion, or nationality. She believed that
self-realization could lead to a deeper understanding of this unity, fostering
a sense of global harmony and cooperation.
Sahaja Yoga: Mataji founded Sahaja Yoga, a spiritual
practice aimed at achieving self-realization through the awakening of the
Kundalini energy. Sahaja Yoga incorporates meditation, self-reflection, and
other techniques to facilitate spiritual growth and inner transformation.
Overall, Mataji's teachings revolve around the themes of
self-realization, Kundalini awakening, divine love, balance, harmony, and
universal brotherhood, all aimed at fostering spiritual growth and
enlightenment in individuals and society.
A collection of teachings of Sati Godavari Mataji