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Urdhva Ganapati Form of Ganesha - Symbolism

Urdhva Ganapati is counted among the 32 forms of Ganesha. It is believed that this form will help a devotee from all sorts of difficulties by giving refuge in his feet.

Urdhva Ganapati mantra is -
Kalhaara shali kamalekshuka chapa bandanta
Prarohakagadi kanakojwalangaha
Alinganaodhatakaro harithangashtaya devya
Karotu shubhaha murdhva ganadhipo mey!!

Urdhva Ganapati is a tantric form of Ganesha and is with a consort who sits on his lap. The goddess on the lap is of green color.

The body tone of Urdhva Ganapati is golden. He has eight hands and holds, blue flower, paddy, lotus, sugarcane, bow and arrow, goad, broken tusk and grass sprout.

There are no popular temples exclusively dedicated to Urdhva Ganapati form of Ganapati.

Urdhva Ganapati Symbolism

Urdhva Ganapati, a Tantric form of Lord Ganesha, carries rich symbolism:

Golden Body Tone: The golden hue signifies auspiciousness, purity, and divine brilliance. It represents the transcendental and eternal nature of the divine.

Eight Hands: The multiple hands symbolize omnipotence and the ability to multitask or perform numerous activities simultaneously, indicating Ganesha's supreme power and versatility.

Blue Flower: Typically a blue lotus or any other blue-hued flower, it signifies purity, spiritual awakening, and the blossoming of higher consciousness.

Paddy: Often depicted as rice grains or sheaves of paddy, this symbolizes prosperity, fertility, and abundance. It represents the harvest and the sustenance provided by the earth.

Lotus: The lotus symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. It emerges from muddy waters but remains unstained, signifying the journey from darkness to light.

Sugarcane: Sugarcane represents sweetness, joy, and the pleasures of life. It symbolizes the ability to extract the essence of experiences while discarding the superficial.

Bow and Arrow: The bow and arrow symbolize the ability to overcome obstacles and challenges. They represent focus, determination, and the power to penetrate through ignorance and adversity.

Goad (Ankusha): The goad is a tool used for guiding or controlling elephants. In this context, it symbolizes the control over the mind and senses, directing them towards righteousness and spiritual growth.

Broken Tusk: Ganesha's broken tusk symbolizes sacrifice and the willingness to give up something of value for the greater good. It also represents the idea that imperfection is beautiful and that flaws can be transformed into sources of strength.

Grass Sprout: The grass sprout represents growth, renewal, and regeneration. It signifies the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, as well as the resilience and vitality of nature.

Consort on Lap: The goddess sitting on Urdhva Ganapati's lap, often depicted as green in color, symbolizes the creative and nurturing aspect of divine energy. It represents the union of masculine and feminine energies, signifying harmony and balance in the universe.

Overall, Urdhva Ganapati embodies the qualities of abundance, prosperity, wisdom, protection, and spiritual evolution. worshippers may invoke this form of Ganesha for blessings related to success, prosperity, and spiritual growth, seeking his guidance in overcoming obstacles on the path to enlightenment.