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Swami Premananda Baba Quotes

A collection of quotes of Swami Premananda Baba

You need not look for external help, because it is all within you. You only have to change the direction of your mind. Once you put yourself in the right direction, you are sure to realize the goal of understanding.

Happiness begins with you, wherever you are, in whatever conditions or country or circumstances. Your happiness lies within you, not without; it is a state of mind.


Happiness begins with ... not without; it is a state of mind.

This quote speaks to the inherent truth that happiness is not dependent on external factors but is instead rooted within ourselves. Regardless of our surroundings, situation, or geographical location, we have the capacity to cultivate happiness from within. It's a state of mind that can be nurtured and developed through various practices such as gratitude, mindfulness, and self-care.

Understanding that happiness begins with us empowers us to take control of our own well-being. Instead of searching for happiness in external possessions or circumstances, we can focus on cultivating inner peace, contentment, and joy. This mindset shift allows us to find happiness even in the midst of challenges and adversity.

Moreover, recognizing that happiness is within our control liberates us from the limitations imposed by external conditions. We don't have to wait for certain conditions to change or for specific achievements to be fulfilled in order to experience happiness. Instead, we can choose to embrace happiness as a fundamental aspect of our being, regardless of external circumstances.

In essence, this quote reminds us that happiness is a journey of self-discovery and inner exploration. By looking within ourselves and nurturing a positive state of mind, we can unlock the true essence of happiness and lead more fulfilling lives.


You need not look for external help, because ... are sure to realize the goal of understanding.

It suggests that the key to understanding lies within oneself and that external resources may not always be necessary. By redirecting our focus inward and cultivating the right mindset, we can uncover the knowledge and insights we seek. This perspective emphasizes the power of introspection, self-awareness, and mental alignment in achieving our goals of comprehension and enlightenment. It implies that we have the capacity to tap into our own inner wisdom and resources to navigate life's challenges and pursue our aspirations.