Nritiya Ganapati is the dancing form of Ganesha and is one of the 32 forms of Ganapathy. This form of Ganesh is propitiated by artists, especially performing artists like dancers. He blesses artists with success and proficiency.
Nritya Ganapati Mantra is
Pashankusha Kutaradanta Chanchatkara
Kalupta Varanguleeyakam
Peetamprabham kalpatarodhashtham bhajami
Nritthopa Padam Ganesham
Nritya Ganapati is depicted dancing under a Kalpa Vriksha – wish fulfilling tree in Hindu Puranas.
The form of Ganesha has golden color. It has four hands – holding goad, noose, rope and broken tusk.
Nritya Ganapati blesses one with proficiency in 4 types of fine arts.
Nritya Ganapati Mantra is
Pashankusha Kutaradanta Chanchatkara
Kalupta Varanguleeyakam
Peetamprabham kalpatarodhashtham bhajami
Nritthopa Padam Ganesham
Nritya Ganapati is depicted dancing under a Kalpa Vriksha – wish fulfilling tree in Hindu Puranas.
The form of Ganesha has golden color. It has four hands – holding goad, noose, rope and broken tusk.
Nritya Ganapati blesses one with proficiency in 4 types of fine arts.