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Ucchista Ganapati - Ganesha With Goddess On Lap - Mantra - Benefits - Symbolism

Ucchista Ganapati is a very rare form of Ganesha and is also included in the 32 forms of Ganapathy. This form of Ganesh is worshipped for protection and also for getting control over the five senses.

Ucchishta Ganapati Mantra is

Neelabja dadaimee veena shali gujaksha sutrakam
Dadahduchishta namamya ganeshah paadu mechakah!


Ucchishta Ganapati depicted in deep blue color. He has six hands and holds a pomegranate fruit, veena, flower, paddy, Rudraksha mala and noose. A Goddess sits on his left lap.

Symbolism Of Ucchista Ganapati

Deep Blue Color: The deep blue color signifies the vast expanse of the cosmos and the divine nature of the deity. Blue is often associated with the infinite and the eternal in Hindu iconography.

Six Hands: The six hands represent Lord Ganapati's omnipotence and ability to multitask in the cosmic scheme. Each hand holds a specific attribute, symbolizing various aspects of his power and personality.

Pomegranate Fruit (Beejam): The pomegranate fruit symbolizes fertility, abundance, and the seeds of creation. It represents the potential for new beginnings and the fruition of desires.

Veena (Vadana): The veena is a musical instrument associated with divine harmony and creativity. It symbolizes the rhythm and melody of the universe, reflecting Lord Ganapati's role as the lord of arts and culture.

Flower (Pushpa): The flower represents beauty, purity, and the ephemeral nature of life. It symbolizes the blossoming of spiritual consciousness and the offering of devotion.

Paddy (Dhanya): Paddy symbolizes sustenance, nourishment, and prosperity. It represents the bounty of the earth and the divine blessings that support life.

Rudraksha Mala: The Rudraksha mala, or rosary made of Rudraksha beads, symbolizes spiritual practice, meditation, and devotion. It signifies the path of self-realization and the quest for inner peace.

Noose (Pasha): The noose represents the power of Lord Ganapati to bind desires and obstacles. It symbolizes his ability to remove the bonds of ignorance and liberate devotees from worldly attachments.

Goddess Sitting on Left Lap: The goddess sitting on Lord Ganapati's left lap is likely to be his consort, Siddhi or Riddhi, representing success, prosperity, and spiritual accomplishments. Her presence signifies the fulfillment of worldly and spiritual desires under Lord Ganapati's auspices.

In essence, the symbolism encapsulates various aspects of creation, sustenance, spiritual practice, and divine grace associated with Lord Ganapati in his Ucchishta Ganapati form. Each attribute and gesture carries profound meaning, guiding devotees on the path of spiritual evolution and worldly fulfillment.

Popular Temple

One of the most popular temples dedicated to Ucchista Ganapati is the famous Ucchi Pillayar koil or Thayumanaswamy koil at Trichy in Tamil Nadu.

Sculpture Of Ucchista Ganapati

Benefits of Worshipping Ucchista Ganapati

The popular belief is that propitiating this form Ganesha will help in control of the five senses and which in return will help in attaining peace and prosperity.