Sen Jayanti is associated with the Sen Samaj and is observed on the 12th day of the Krishna Paksha of Vaishakh month (12th day during the waning phase of moon). Sen Jayanti 2025 date is April 24. It is believed that Guru Sen Bhagat (Sri Sant Shiromani bhakt Senaji Maharaj) appeared on the day.
Processions, prayer meetings, food donation are also part of the Jayanti celebrations. Protection of cow and nature is another important activity on the day.
Sen Bhagat was an inspirational leader and Guru who helped the community in attaining the much needed unity and progress. He created an environment in which the community could find their own inspiration and self respect.
He interacted with all the people without showing any fear or favor. All were equal for him. His sole aim was to enhance the growth and development of the Sen Samaj. He taught the lessons of truth and trustworthiness.
He enlightened, energized and inspired the Sen Community.
Humanity and humility were his foundations.
His steadfastness, courage, words and deeds is an inspiration to all who yearn for peace and enlightenment. He continues to inspire thousands of people to achieve success in life.
His steadfastness, courage, words and deeds is an inspiration to all who yearn for peace and enlightenment. He continues to inspire thousands of people to achieve success in life.