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Quotes From Thirukkural On Love

A collection of quotes with explanation from Thirukkural on love.

One who has no love in his heart will try to possess everything for himself.

One who has love in his heart is ready to sacrifice everything including his own body for the benefit of others.

The ignorant say that love leads one to Dharma only; but love is a defense against evil too and love helps one to get out of vice also.

The life of a man who has no love in his heart is as futile as the existence and flourishing of a withered tree in a barren land.

The human body which is sustained by love is truly alive, where as the human body which is not sustained by love is mere assembly of bones covered with skin.


The human body which is sustained by love ... mere assembly of bones covered with skin.

This Kural seems to emphasize the importance of love in human life and its impact on our overall well-being.

The human body sustained by love is truly alive: This suggests that when love is present in a person's life, they experience a deeper sense of vitality and fulfillment. Love can manifest in various forms, such as romantic love, familial love, friendship, or even love for oneself. When individuals feel loved and supported, they may experience greater happiness, motivation, and resilience.

The human body not sustained by love is mere assembly of bones covered with skin: This part contrasts the previous statement by highlighting the potential emptiness or lack of fulfillment in a life devoid of love. Without love, life may feel hollow or meaningless, akin to a mere physical existence without deeper emotional connection or purpose.

Overall, this statement underscores the profound impact that love can have on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It suggests that love is not just a fleeting emotion, but a fundamental aspect of what it means to truly be alive.


The life of a man who has no love in his heart is as futile as the existence and flourishing of a withered tree in a barren land.

Thirukkural, the classic Tamil text attributed to the ancient poet Thiruvalluvar, is renowned for its timeless wisdom and moral teachings. This particular verse eloquently captures the essence of the importance of love in human life.

Imagine a man devoid of love, his heart barren and desolate like a parched land devoid of water. Without love, life loses its meaning and purpose. Just as a withered tree struggles to survive in a barren land, such a man's existence becomes futile and devoid of vitality.

Love is the essence that nurtures the soul, providing warmth, meaning, and fulfillment to life. Without it, a person's journey through life becomes dry and devoid of joy. This verse serves as a poignant reminder of the profound significance of love in shaping our lives and enriching our existence.


The ignorant say that love leads one to Dharma only; but love is a defense against evil too and love helps one to get out of vice also.

The Kural touches upon the multifaceted nature of love and its relationship with ethical living, or Dharma. Let's explore this in more depth.

Love and Dharma: Traditionally, Dharma refers to the moral and ethical duties and responsibilities prescribed by religious teachings or societal norms. The idea that love leads one to Dharma suggests that love, in its purest form, motivates individuals to act in accordance with these principles. Love can inspire empathy, compassion, and altruism, guiding people to uphold moral values and fulfill their duties towards others.

Love as a Defense Against Evil: Love has the power to counteract negative forces such as hatred, greed, and selfishness. When individuals cultivate love in their hearts, they become less prone to engaging in harmful behaviors towards others. Love fosters understanding, forgiveness, and reconciliation, serving as a shield against the destructive influences of evil in both personal and societal contexts.

Love and Virtue: In addition to being a defense against evil, love also plays a crucial role in fostering virtuous qualities within individuals. When people experience genuine love, whether it be romantic love, familial love, or love for humanity, it inspires them to strive for goodness and righteousness. Love motivates individuals to overcome their flaws and vices, guiding them towards self-improvement and moral growth.

Transformation through Love: Love has transformative power. It has the ability to soften hardened hearts, heal emotional wounds, and inspire profound personal change. When individuals are immersed in love, they often find the strength and motivation to break free from destructive habits and behaviors. Love offers hope, redemption, and the opportunity for individuals to chart a new course towards a more virtuous and fulfilling life.

In essence, the assertion that love leads one to Dharma encompasses the idea that love is not only a guiding force towards ethical living but also a powerful antidote to evil and a catalyst for personal transformation. It highlights the profound impact that love can have on individuals and society as a whole, reinforcing its significance in the pursuit of a harmonious and virtuous existence.