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Quotes from Rg Veda on Equality

A collection of quotes from Rig Veda on Equality

There is none high or low amongst you. You are all brethren and therefore, strive all together to attain prosperity. (Rg Veda 50, 60, 5).

As, O God, Thou art for ever the common Lord of all alike, as such we invoke thee now. (Rig Veda 4, 32, 13)

All who can walk are equally entitled to the use of paths and roads. (Rig Veda 2, 13, 2)

Be united; speak in harmony; let your minds apprehend alike; common be your prayer; common be the end of your assembly; common be your resolution; common be your deliberations; unified be your hearts; common be your intentions; perfect be your unity. (Rig Veda 10, 191, 24)

Teachings On Equality From Rig Veda

The Rig Veda, one of the oldest sacred texts in the world, is a collection of hymns that form the foundation of Hinduism. While it primarily focuses on rituals, prayers, and hymns dedicated to various deities, it also contains philosophical insights that touch upon concepts like equality.

Universal Brotherhood: The Rig Veda emphasizes the idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, which means "the world is one family." This concept highlights the interconnectedness and equality of all beings regardless of caste, creed, or race.

Equality Before the Divine: In the Rig Veda, there is an underlying belief that all beings are equal in the eyes of the divine. It teaches that the gods do not discriminate based on social status or wealth but rather on the purity of one's heart and devotion.

Unity in Diversity: The Rig Veda celebrates diversity while advocating for unity. Just as different elements of nature come together to sustain life, the hymns in the Rig Veda suggest that diversity among people should be embraced as it enriches society.

Respect for All Life: The Rig Veda promotes reverence for all living beings, whether human or non-human. It recognizes the interconnectedness of life and teaches that all beings deserve respect and compassion.

Meritocracy: While the Rig Veda acknowledges the existence of social hierarchy, it also emphasizes the importance of individual merit. It suggests that one's worth should be based on their actions, virtues, and contributions to society rather than their birth or social status.

Gender Equality: Although ancient Indian society was patriarchal, there are verses in the Rig Veda that hint at the importance of gender equality. For example, there are hymns dedicated to goddesses such as Saraswati, highlighting the significance of feminine energy and wisdom.

Justice and Fairness: The Rig Veda upholds the principles of justice and fairness. It condemns injustice, oppression, and exploitation, emphasizing the importance of treating others with fairness and equity.

Overall, while the Rig Veda reflects the social norms and values of its time, it also contains timeless teachings on equality that continue to resonate with people across cultures and generations.