Swami Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti celebrates the birthday of Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the founder of Arya Samaj. Swami Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti 2025 date as per Hindu Tithi is February 23. He was born on the 10th day of waning phase of moon or Krishna Paksha Dasami Tithi in Falgun month. His birthday as per Gregorian calendar is on February 12, 1824.
Swami Dayananda Saraswati established the foundation of Arya Samaj in 1875. The primary objective of Arya Samaj is to do good to the whole world by improving the physical, spiritual and social conditions of society. Today, the presence of Arya Samaj is felt in more than 100 countries.
Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati, as he was popularly known to the world, yearned for ‘Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam’ – to make the entire world a group of good people.
Satyarth Prakash, meaning the light of truth, is the most important text and guide of the Arya Samaj. It was written by Swami Dayananda Saraswati to propagate the true teachings of the Vedas.
Dayanand Ji was one of the first Indians to think aboutIndia 's freedom through an independent Indian Government which is evident from his book Satyarth Prakash in which he has clearly mentioned that ‘Swarajya is sarvopari uttam.’
Dayanand Ji was one of the first Indians to think about
Arya Samaj upholds the true Vedantic tradition and is actively working to remove social evils like casteism, untouchability, dowry, child marriage, atrocities on women etc. and support widow marriage, equality, girl education. The organization works relentlessly to spread the message of Vedas – Vedanta found in the Upanishads.
Swami Dayanand Saraswati (1824 – 1883)