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Vedic Based Technology to Produce Energy from Space and Static Alternator –The concept Hidden in Vedas

Vedic technology to produce energy from space and Vedic technology based static alternator, which can produce power by using magnetic power, are developed by HS Sathischandra. NASA is currently studying about the technology to produce energy from space. Gujarat government recently signed a memorandum of understanding with Sathischandra’s organisation to set up the project based on Static alternator.
Sathishchandra is the technical advisor to the United Nations (Energy) and the founder of Agrami Foundation.
Daily News and Analysis reports
The concept found hidden in Vedas
“The concept of energy production using space was found hidden in coded form in all four Vedas of ancient India. When decoded, it revealed this concept which allows us to produce energy out of space,” he said.
The main component of the revolutionary technology was found in Purushasukta where magnetic field converge into the conductor and the mass is conducted into energy and reused in the process of conduction.
How to Produce power in Space?
He said the power produced from space can be accessed by the whole world. Consumers can get power at costs as low as hydro power. Many technologists in the realm of conventional energy sources, however did not think it was possible as it contradicted Faraday’s Law.
“Give me 10 years with all approvals, clearances, infrastructure and logistics support. I will produce energy for the world. The generator will have to be lodged 37,000 km up in geostationary orbit. So far the world knew only six types of energy from conventional and non-conventional sources — solar, tidal, fossil, wind, hydro and atomic.
There is no technology so far which harnesses energy from space, but since the ‘Yanthra’ (as it is called in Vedic parlance) has to be positioned in geostationary orbit it has to be cleared by the United States which claims ownership of geostationary orbit. There was one more difficulty as the Yanthra’s orbit had to be synchronised with that of the Earth. This aspect is now being worked out by top Vedic space scientists," said Sathishchandra.
About Static Alternator
The prototype generator for static alternator has already been produced, said Sathischandra.
“This project has no moving part, which is why it is called a static alternator. The first unit of power produced from this alternator will be wheeled out into the Western grid in two years as the Gujarat government has shown keen interest in this project,” he said during the international conference on Decoding Veda Vidya and Traditional Resources for Rediscovering Indian Scientific Heritage organised by the Vadiraja Research Foundation of Udupi.