Janma Nakshatram, or Nakshatra, is the birth star of a person as per Malayalam astrology calendar followed in Kerala. This particular predictions for 2012 is based on Moon sign and birth starts. It is also known as Janma Naal and there are 27 Nakshatrams in Malayalam Jyothisam or astrology. Astrological predictions known as Nakshatrabalam or Nakshatra Bhalam is made based on the stars. The 27 Janma Nakshatrams are Ashwathi, Bharani, Karthika, Rohini, Makeeyram, Thiruvathira, Punartham, Pooyam, Aayilyam, Makam, Pooram, Uthram, Atham, Chithira, Chothi, Vishakham, Anizham, Thrikketta, Moolam, Pooraadam, Uthradam, Thiruvonam, Avittam, Chathayam, Pooruruttathi, Uthrattathi and Revathi.
Here is the Nakshatram Bhalam 2012 for various stars based on Moon sign or Chandra Rashi.
You can read the predictions for 2012 here at Mathurbhumi Newspaper.