Goddess Kalratri is a manifestation of Goddess Shakti and it is one of the fiercest form of Mother Goddess. During paush month (December – January) special rituals are held in some regions. Kalaratri Navratri is from January 1, 2026 to January 3, 2026. Although the festival and rituals are named as Navratri, it not observed for nine days and is only held for a couple of days.

Kalaratri is depicted as having four hands and her vehicle, or mount, is a donkey. She can curse and bless and is known to create havoc. This form primarily depicts that life also has a negative side – Tamas.
Symbolically, the form of the Goddess exhorts a devotee to get rid the Tamasic qualities (bad, evil and negative tendencies).
Kalaratri is also one of the forms of Goddess Shakti that is worshipped during the nine days of Navratri in September/October. She is worshipped on the seventh day and is part of the nine goddess concept during Navratri.