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Dhundhi Ganapati form of Ganesha - Symbolism - Benefits - Mantra

Dhundhi Ganapati is one among the 32 forms of Ganesha. This form is worshipped in many temples in India. This form of Ganesh helps in attaining moksha or liberation through spiritual studies. He removes all troubles that comes in the way of spiritual pursuit.

In the Dhundi Ganapati form, Ganesh has four hands. In the upper right hand he holds Rudraksha mala or beads. The lower right hand he holds his broken tusk. In upper left hand he holds his axe and in the lower left hand he holds a pot of gems.

The mantra of Dhundhi Ganapati form is
Akshamalam kutharam cha ratnapatram svadantakam|
Dhatte Karaih vighnarajaha duninama mudesastu nah ||

In the Dhundi Ganapati form, the symbolism of the objects held by Ganesh in each of his four hands conveys profound spiritual and philosophical meanings.

Upper Right Hand - Rudraksha Mala (Beads):

The Rudraksha mala represents concentration, meditation, and spiritual practice. It signifies the importance of focusing the mind and seeking inner peace through prayer and contemplation. The mala, often used in counting mantras during meditation, symbolizes discipline and the pursuit of enlightenment.

Lower Right Hand - Broken Tusk:

Ganesh’s broken tusk is a symbol of sacrifice, resilience, and the power to overcome obstacles. The story behind the broken tusk is that Ganesh broke it off himself to write the Mahabharata when the pen he was using broke. This act illustrates self-sacrifice and dedication to fulfilling one's duty. It also represents the idea of using one's own imperfections and challenges as tools for success.

Upper Left Hand - Axe:

The axe signifies the ability to cut through illusions and attachments, freeing oneself from the bonds of material desires. It represents the power to eliminate ignorance and the courage to face and remove obstacles in the path of spiritual growth. The axe also symbolizes the severance of ties with the ego and worldly attachments, helping devotees to focus on their higher purpose.

Lower Left Hand - Pot of Gems:

The pot of gems, or Ratna Kalasha, signifies abundance, prosperity, and the treasures of wisdom. It represents the wealth that comes from spiritual knowledge and the blessings of material and spiritual prosperity. The gems symbolize the virtues and values that are essential for a fulfilling and enlightened life. This hand gesture conveys the idea that true wealth lies in the accumulation of wisdom and virtue rather than material possessions.

Each of these symbols collectively embodies the qualities and teachings of Ganesh as the remover of obstacles, the lord of beginnings, and the deity of wisdom and intellect. The Rudraksha mala encourages devotees to maintain spiritual discipline, the broken tusk exemplifies the importance of perseverance and sacrifice, the axe teaches detachment and clarity, and the pot of gems highlights the ultimate goal of attaining both spiritual and material well-being. Together, they illustrate a comprehensive path to spiritual growth and fulfillment.