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Baba Ramdev Teachings - Sayings

A collection of Baba Ramdev Thoughts - Teachings - Sayings

Only those persons can be true disciplinarians, rulers or leader who have in their temperament the tenderness of a flower and the firmness and hardness of thunderbolt.

Mistakes should not be repeated; their repetition hinders the progress, and spiritual strength is debilitated.

Balance/equilibrium is the eternal principle of world and life. Balance itself is health. All disorders stem from physical and emotional imbalance, unrestraint, irregularity and extremes.

Faith is the attachment of true knowledge and a stepping-stone to supreme peace.

Yoga is not just exercise, it is a lifestyle. It's about harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit.

Healthy living is the foundation of a fulfilling life. It begins with simple lifestyle changes and discipline.

The power to heal lies within you. Yoga and Ayurveda are tools to unlock this innate healing potential.

Breath is life. Learn to control your breath, and you'll gain control over your mind and emotions.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Embrace a simple life, free from unnecessary clutter and complexities.

Positivity is a choice. Choose to focus on the good in every situation and watch how it transforms your life.

Self-discipline is the key to success in all endeavors. Without discipline, even the greatest talents remain unrealized.

The body is the temple of the soul. Treat it with respect, nourish it with wholesome food, and keep it active through regular exercise.

True wealth lies in good health. Invest in your well-being, for it is the most valuable asset you possess.

Service to others is the highest form of worship. Find joy in helping those in need and making a positive difference in the world.

Baba Ramdev