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Plan to Build 51 Shaktipeeth Temples at Mount Gabbar near Ambaji Temple in Gujarat

51 Shaktipeeth Temples are located in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Mansarovar in Tibet. Now Ambaji Temple administration atop Mount Gabbar at Ambaji in Gujarat is planning to construct 51 Shaktipeeth Temples in and around Mount Gabbar. 51 Shakti Peethas are temples dedicated to Goddess Shakti.

The Story of the 51 Shakti Peethas

Goddess Shakti appeared as Sati and in this incarnation she was the daughter Daksha. Sati married Shiva despite the opposition of Daksha and Sati had to pay the price for it with her life.

Daksha conducted a yajna and invited all the living beings but did not invite Shiva. Sati wanted to find out why her husband was not invited. Shiva warned Sati that the sole aim of the yajna was to insult him and she should not go there as she will be insulted.

In spite of Shiva’s warning Sati went to enquire about it with her father, and as predicated by Shiva she was insulted by Daksha. Unable to bear the insults hurled at Shiva by Daksha, Sati jumped into the yajna fire and self immolated herself.

Shiva who came to know about the death of Sati arrived at the scene and destroyed the entire palace of Daksha. But this did not calm Shiva’s rage. He took the body of Sati and started performing Tandava. Srihari Vishnu soon realized that the Tandava would destroy all living beings as it was causing imbalance in universe.

Vishnu then used his Sudarshana Chakra to cut Sati’s body into 51 pieces.

The places where Sati’s body fell on earth came to be known as Shaktipeeth.

Now Ambaji Temple trust is attempting create replica of the 50 Shakti Peethas + Ambaji Temple atop Mount Gabbar at Ambaji in Gujarat. Ambaji Temple is one of the 51 Shakti Peethas.
Times of India reports
According to Shri Arasuri Ambaji Mata Devsthan Trust, which has launched the project to build replicas at a cost of Rs 35 crore, the Shaktipeeths will be erected on a 2.5-km-road being constructed.
"The replicas include Hingula in Pakistan, Chattal, Kartopatat and Sugandha in Bangladesh, Indrakshi in Sri Lanka, Gandaki and Guhyashwori Peeth in Nepal and Mansarovar in Tibet. We have successfully finished 35% of civil work for the pilgrimage around Gabbar. The entire project is expected to be accomplished within two-and-a-half years," trust chairman and Banaskantha collector R J Patel said. The trust will seek the help of prominent temple priests and Vastushastris while installing the Shaktipeeths in accordance with Vedic rituals.
"As the Shaktipeeths will be exactly replicated, they will have either idol of the goddess or Yantra as the original ones. A major plantation drive will also be undertaken at the site," Patel added.