Lalita Saptami is observed on the seventh day during the Shukla Paksha, or waxing phase of moon, in Bhadrapad month. Lalita Saptami 2025 date is August 30. It is believed that Lalita Devi appeared on this day. The pujas, rituals and festivals are observed mainly by the Vaishnava community. It is of importance to staunch Krishna devotees. Below is a brief idea on how to observe the Lalita Saptami Vrat.
It is believed that married couples observing this vrat will be blessed with healthy children. Parents observe this for health, intelligence and long life of their children.
Importance of Lalita Saptami
Lalita Sashti Vrat is dedicated to Goddess Lalita Devi, a gopika in Vrindavan. This vrat is believed to have been suggested by Sri Krishna.It is believed that married couples observing this vrat will be blessed with healthy children. Parents observe this for health, intelligence and long life of their children.
Lalitha Devi was one of the most important Gopis in the Vrindavan and she was also a dear friend of Radha Devi. She was a constant companion and used to rebuke her for easily giving into the pranks of Sri Krishna.
There is a temple dedicated to Lalita Devi at Braj in Mathura .
In some regions, instead of Saptami it is Shasti that is held auspicious – the previous day or the sixth day during the Shukla Paksha of Bhadra month.
How to observe Lalita Saptami Vrat?
After early morning bath, one should meditate on Ganesha.
Then prayers on the day are offered to Ganesha, Goddess Lalitha Devi, Goddess Parvati, Goddess Sashti, Karik, Shiva and Shaligram.
Coconut, rice, turmeric, sandalwood paste, gulal, flowers and milk are given as offerings to the deities. (Most people only offer flowers). In some regions a vessel made of copper is placed in the puja room.
A red thread or mauli is kept in the puja area. After prayers this is worn on the right hand.
Fast is from sunrise to next day sunrise. A single meal is taken on the day. Working women, those studying and having medical problems should not fast. They should only offer prayers.
The fast is broken next day morning after offering prayers. A fruit that is offered to the deities is distributed as Prasad.