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Raksha Panchami 2025 date in Odisha

Raksha Panchami is dedicated to Batuk Bhairav, incarnation of Lord Shiva and also Ganesha. Raksha Panchami 2025 date is August 13. The festival is mainly dedicated to the protection of wildlife and plants and is observed on the fifth day during the Krishna paksha or waning phase of moon in Bhadrapad month. The ritual is mainly followed in some regions in Orissa.

The festival is observed on the fifth day after Raksha Bandhan ritual.

What do do on Raksha Panchami?

On the Raksha Panchami day, paintings of Batuk Bhairav or Bhairab, Ganesh and Mahadev (Shiva) are drawn on doors of houses. Some people draw the picture of Nandi the vehicle of Lord Shiva on the back door.

A prayer (invocation) to Lord Shiva is written on palm leaf and is hung on the top of the door. Along with the palm leaf, kusha grass and a small packet of rice also hung on the door.

At night there is a ritual of making small offerings to wild animals and snakes.