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Ashada Purnima Festival 2025 at Shirdi Sai Baba Temple – Guru Purnima Festival at Shirdi

The Purnima or the full moon day in Ashada Month (June – July), which is popularly known as Guru Purnima, is of great significance at the Shirdi Sai Baba Temple. The Sai Baba Ashada Purnima Utsav begins on July 8, 2025 and ends on July 10, 2025. The main day of the festival is July 10. The popular belief is that Sai Baba showers blessings on the day on his devotees.

The Guru Purnima at the Shirdi Sai Baba Temple begins on the Ashada Shukla Chaturdashi – the 14th day during the waxing phase of moon. There will be palanquin ride on the day.

The most important festival is held on the full moon day and includes ratha or chariot procession.

Guru Purnima Festival at Shirdi

The popular belief is that on one Guru Purnima day Shirdi Sai Baba sat on the big stone that He created in front of Dwarakamai and gave blessings to devotees.
Life History of Sai Baba describes the event like this – 
While the arathi was being given on Guru Purnima day, Baba’s face became very tight as if a thousand lamps were lighted with different colors. The surprised devotees wanted to touch Baba’s feet and prostrate before him. Noticing the thoughts of the devotees, he slowly walked towards the big stone that he created in front of Dwarakamai.
As soon as he reached the stone he sat on it putting his left hand on the toe of his right leg and putting the right hand on the thigh of his right leg. Then he looked deeply into the eyes of each devotee, by which the joy experienced by them was beyond description. When they touched his feet, they felt an unknown divine power entering their bodies and reach their hearts. These things have to be personally experienced and cannot be explained. All those who experienced this, started to celebrate Guru Purnima on every Ashada Shuddha Poornima day with pomp and gaiety.
Pothi Purnima