Jabala Upanishad is part of the Shukla Yajur Veda. In six sections,
it discusses the concept of renunciation in Hinduism. Jabala Upanishad gives
importance to the school of thought which is indifferent to the performance of
The first three sections – dialogue between Brihaspati (Guru
of Devas or demigods) and Sage Yajnavalkya.
A symbolic representation of Ultimate reality is discussed
in the three chapters.
The Upanishad states that by concentrating on the meeting
point of eyebrows and nose an ascetic can achieve liberation. The power of such
a meditation helps in annihilating the misdeeds performed by sense organs and
destruction of all evil thoughts and desires.
The concept of Avimukta that which symbolizes that which is infinite and unmanifested – Shiva or Brahman - also discussed in this section by Sage Yajnavalkya.
The concept of Avimukta that which symbolizes that which is infinite and unmanifested – Shiva or Brahman - also discussed in this section by Sage Yajnavalkya.
The last three sections – discussion on renunciation between
Janaka, Sage Atri and Sage Yajnavalkya.
Renunciation should be accepted after Vanaprastha – the
third stage of life in Hindu religion. It can also be accepted when a person
has achieved complete detachment.
Renunciation should not be performed to escape from one’s
duties. This will result in bad karma and might result in numerous births.
The final part of Jabala Upanishad talks about people who
have achieved renunciation through perfect means. They are known as Paramahamsa
and they lead a perfect life without any attachment.
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