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Sadhguru on the Symbolism of the Third Eye of Shiva

If I show you this side of my hand, you cannot see the other side of it. This is so about everything. You always see everything in parts. Even if you look at a grain of sand you will look at only one part of it.

All the information that is in your head right now has entered through the five sense organs in bits and pieces. It cannot perceive even a grain of sand in its totality. It perceives everything in parts. If you add the bits you will not get a whole. You will only have bits. No matter how many bits you gather they will never become a whole.

This is why Shiva has always been represented as one with three eyes. When we say "the third eye", we are not talking about your forehead opening up. It is about seeing beyond the sensory eyes. It means that the ability to see has transcended the limitations of sense perception.

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

The Concept Of The Third Eye Of Shiva

The "third eye" of Shiva is a concept deeply rooted in Hindu mythology and spiritual tradition. In Hinduism, Shiva is one of the principal deities, often associated with destruction, transformation, and renewal. The idea of the "third eye" is metaphorical and represents an inner vision or insight that transcends ordinary perception.

Here's an expansion on the concept:

In Hindu iconography, Shiva is often depicted with a third eye located on his forehead, symbolizing his heightened spiritual insight and perception. This third eye is believed to possess the power of intuition, wisdom, and enlightenment. It represents the ability to see beyond the limitations of the physical world and perceive deeper truths.

The concept of the third eye is not limited to Shiva alone; it is also found in other spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism and certain schools of mysticism. In these traditions, the third eye is often associated with the sixth chakra, known as the "Ajna" chakra, which is located between the eyebrows.

According to Hindu philosophy, the third eye enables one to see beyond the illusions of Maya (the material world) and gain insight into the true nature of existence. It is said to open pathways to higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.

In practical terms, the activation of the third eye is often described as the process of inner transformation and self-realization. Through practices such as meditation, introspection, and mindfulness, individuals seek to awaken their third eye and cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe.

The notion of the third eye seeing "beyond the sensory eyes" implies that its perception transcends the limitations of the physical senses. While our ordinary eyes perceive the external world, the third eye perceives the internal reality, the interconnectedness of all things, and the underlying spiritual essence that binds everything together.

In essence, the concept of the third eye of Shiva serves as a powerful symbol of spiritual awakening, inner knowledge, and enlightenment, inspiring seekers to delve deeper into the mysteries of existence and discover the divine within themselves.