Sabitri Satyaban and Dharma Raj Puja is observed on the fourteenth day of the Krishna Paksha (waning or dark phase of moon) in the Bengali month of Jyeshta (May – June). In 2025, the date of Savitri Satyavan and Dharma Raj Puja isMay 26. Married women fast on the day dedicated to Sabitri and Dharma Raj or Yama the Hindu God of death for a happy married life and for the well being of their husbands. The day is also known as Savitri Chaturdashi Vrata.
Sabitri Puja is quite similar to the Vat Savitri Vrat observed in North and Western parts of India . It must be noted that in Orissa, Savitri Brata is observed on the Amavasya day in Jyeshta month i.e., the next day of Savitri Chaturdashi.
The fasting and rituals are based Savitri – Satyavan legend in the Mahabharata. Women take inspiration from Savitri who saved her husband from the clutches of death.
The fasting method varies from region to region. Most people keep fast from sunrise to sunset. There is also a popular belief that Savitri Chaturdashi Vrat should be observed continuously for 14 years.