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Jillellamudi Amma Quotes

A collection of quotes of Jillellamudi Amma.

My life is infinite and my history is limited.

Pure empathy for the suffering of others is the hallmark of divinity.

The Darkness which is the basis of light is the real Light.

If you ask, "what is true and what is false?" I say all that appears is true. We are using the name 'God'. For whom? For what kind of a being? We don't know what HE is like. We don't know the meaning of that word 'God'. 'God' means 'what is', 'Truth, Reality (Asalu). What is Reality? 'What is', 'what is', is God.

I say that man, you, I – all that appears is God. We hear it is said that God is formless and invisible. ‘God’ means ‘Reality’. What is Reality? All that is seen as objects – water, air, fire, light – isn’t this Reality? They say, “For these objects to have come into being, and for these to have become so many, there must have been some cause.” Did the forms come through God, or are the forms themselves God? All that appears is God. I have not seen a form that differs and is separate from all this which appears. Creation is God. There is nothing other than this entire creation. Creation is that which has become many.

Jillellamudi Amma – a great spiritual teacher from South India

"The Darkness which is the basis of light is the real Light" is a profound statement that touches upon philosophical and metaphysical concepts. Let's explore and expand on this idea:

Duality and Contrast: In many philosophical traditions, there is a concept of duality, where opposites such as light and darkness are seen as complementary aspects of a unified whole. This duality often serves to highlight the contrast between different states or qualities.

Symbolism of Darkness: Darkness is often associated with mystery, the unknown, and the depths of the subconscious mind. It represents the fertile ground from which creativity, insight, and enlightenment can emerge. In this sense, darkness can be seen as the source or foundation of light.

Transformation and Growth: Just as seeds germinate in darkness before sprouting into the light, personal growth and spiritual enlightenment often arise from periods of inner darkness or introspection. It is through facing and embracing the darkness within ourselves that we can experience profound transformation and ultimately shine brighter.

Embracing the Shadow Self: In psychology, the "shadow self" refers to the unconscious aspects of our personality that we may repress or deny. By acknowledging and integrating these shadow aspects, we can achieve greater wholeness and authenticity. Thus, confronting the darkness within ourselves can lead to a deeper understanding of our true nature and a more profound sense of light.

Non-Duality: Some spiritual teachings emphasize the idea of non-duality, where light and darkness are ultimately seen as illusions or manifestations of the same underlying reality. From this perspective, the distinction between light and darkness fades away, revealing a deeper unity beyond dualistic concepts.

The Journey of Self-Discovery: The quest for self-discovery often involves delving into the depths of one's own psyche, confronting fears, doubts, and insecurities along the way. This inner journey can be likened to navigating through darkness in search of inner illumination and wisdom.

In summary, the statement "The Darkness which is the basis of light is the real Light" invites us to explore the interconnectedness of light and darkness, to embrace the transformative power of confronting our inner shadows, and to recognize the inherent unity underlying all dualities.