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Rang Teras 2025 Date In Chaitra Month In North India

Rang Teras, also known as Rang Trayodashi, holds significant cultural and religious importance in various parts of India, particularly in regions where Bhagavan Sri Krishna is revered, such as in North India and areas where Srinathji is worshipped. Rang Teras 2025 date is March 27.

It falls on the 13th day of the Krishna Paksha (waning phase of the moon) in the Hindu calendar month of Chaitra in North India, while in other regions, it aligns with the Krishna Paksha of the Phalgun month.

In Sri Krishna temples, especially those dedicated to Srinathji, Rang Teras is celebrated with fervor and devotion. Devotees gather to pay homage to Bhagavan Sri Krishna through special rituals, prayers, and bhajans (devotional songs). The day is marked by vibrant decorations and elaborate ceremonies, symbolizing the colorful essence of Bhagavan Sri Krishna's life and teachings.

One notable aspect of Rang Teras in some regions is its association with Holi celebrations. Holi, the festival of colors, typically falls around the same time as Rang Teras, and in certain areas, the two festivals merge into colorful processions and joyful festivities. People come together to smear each other with colored powders and water, dance to lively music, and indulge in festive delicacies.

Overall, Rang Teras serves as a reminder of the divine presence of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and the joyous spirit of Holi, fostering unity, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment among devotees and celebrants alike.