Vidhan Saptami is observed on the seventh day (Saptami) of Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) in the month of Magh (January – February). Vidhan Saptami 2025 date is February 4. Saptami or Seventh day during the waxing phase of moon in Magha month is highly auspicious and is dedicated to Lord Surya. The popular belief is that the rays of the sun have curative properties on the day as earth’s inclination towards the sun is the steepest on the day.
Vidhan Saptami is mainly observed in North India . There information that is available about the ritual is very sketchy. The day is also observed in this region as Arogya Saptami and Radha Saptami.
The day is popularly observed as Ratha Saptami and is dedicated to Lord Surya riding on seven horses.