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Swami Vijnanananda Thoughts on the Mind

Swami Vijnanananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, gives insight on the human mind.

The mind is man’s greatest and only treasure. God has fashioned this mind in such a way that it will always be subservient to you. If the mind were disobedient by nature, we would not have been responsible for any of our actions. In that case, man would neither be a free agent nor would be counted as the acme of creation.

You are the complete master of your mind and you can shape it as you like. When the mind is completely within our control, it will have nothing to exist on except noble thoughts.

For the nourishment of the body we are to give it only wholesome food avoiding unwholesome things: similarly we are to nourish the mind with noble thoughts, high ideals, and good discourses refusing to provide it with unwholesome food like evil thoughts and bad associations.


You are the complete master of your ... to exist on except noble thoughts.

When you have mastered control over your mind, you possess a remarkable ability to shape it according to your will. This level of mastery enables you to cultivate noble thoughts and intentions, fostering a mental environment that thrives on positivity, virtue, and purpose.

By consciously directing your thoughts and emotions, you can filter out negativity and focus on what truly matters. This process involves practicing mindfulness, self-awareness, and discipline. Through techniques like meditation, visualization, and cognitive reframing, you can train your mind to respond to challenges with resilience and clarity.

With a mind that is under your complete control, you become the architect of your own reality. You can cultivate qualities such as compassion, gratitude, and empathy, which not only benefit yourself but also have a positive ripple effect on those around you.

Ultimately, when your mind is aligned with noble thoughts and intentions, you experience a profound sense of inner peace, fulfillment, and purpose. Your actions become guided by wisdom and integrity, contributing to your personal growth and the well-being of others.


For the nourishment of the body ... evil thoughts and bad associations.

This concept draws a parallel between the nourishment of the body and the nourishment of the mind. Just as we carefully choose wholesome foods to nourish our bodies, it suggests that we should also be mindful of the inputs we expose our minds to.

Nourishing the mind involves feeding it with noble thoughts, high ideals, and enriching discourses. This could include engaging with literature, art, philosophy, and conversations that uplift and inspire us. By surrounding ourselves with positivity and goodness, we cultivate a healthy mental environment that supports growth and well-being.

On the other hand, just as we avoid consuming unhealthy or harmful foods for our bodies, it's important to steer clear of unwholesome mental inputs. This includes avoiding negative thoughts, toxic relationships, and harmful influences that can poison the mind and hinder personal development.

By consciously choosing to nourish our minds with positive stimuli and avoiding negative influences, we can cultivate a mindset that is conducive to happiness, growth, and fulfillment. This philosophy emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and intentional living in maintaining both physical and mental well-being.