A Collection Of Quotes Of Sadhguru. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, often known simply as Sadhguru, is a prominent spiritual leader, yogi, and author known for his wisdom and teachings on spirituality, yoga, and inner well-being.
Your whole experience of life is within you. If you want to
change your experiences, it’s within you.
If you become truly meditative, you will become absolutely
The only way you can conquer destiny is to become the
creator of your own life.
If you take charge of your mind, you can create a chemistry
of blissfulness.
What is needed is a mind that can hold two contradictory
ideas at the same time.
You cannot rise in love; you have to fall in love.
Life is just a certain amount of time and energy. How are
you going to invest it?
How deeply you touch another life is how rich your life is.
You don’t have to do what I say. But at least, listen to me.
The only way out is in.
Your life is not an individual existence. What you exhale,
the trees are inhaling.
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is ignorance.
When I say, 'Be with me,' I am not asking you to be with
this body.
Your mind is like a mirror. If it is clean and clear, you
perceive things just the way they are.
The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly
Everything that I know, my Guru knew. But he did not know
the alphabet, and he did not know how to read or write.
If you fall flat on your face, it can only mean that you are
moving forward.
Life is not a race. It is a journey.
I am not a Guru, I am not a Master, I am not a teacher, I am
not a leader. I am none of these things.
Life is a balance between rest and movement.
When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look
within you, not around you.
The very way you breathe, sit, stand, eat, walk, work —
everything can become yoga.
When you are in a very violent temper, you say, 'I lost my
The fear is simply because you are not living with life. You
are living in your mind.
The highest form of human intelligence is to observe
yourself without judgment.
You are not suffering your life; you are suffering your
The only thing that stands between you and your well-being
is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take
instruction from the outside rather than the inside.
The quality of your life depends on how well you manage your
body, mind, emotions, and energies.
When I talk, I’m not talking to you about heaven; I’m
talking to you about here.
If you know how to handle this moment, you know how to
handle eternity.
If you cultivate your body, mind, emotions, and energies to
a certain level of maturity, something else blossoms within you — that is the
spiritual process.
If you think 100% logically, there is no possibility of
Fear means you are not living with life; your mind is
projecting into the future.
Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused when we are
living to please others.
What is being human? If you ask today, it's a bundle of
There are only two types of people: those who have fallen in
love with life and those who have not.
Don’t be dead serious about your life — it’s just a play.
The most precious thing in life is life itself.
If you want to be successful, don’t seek success — seek
competence, empowerment; do nothing short of the best that you can do.
The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are
expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it.
We are making technology work to our disadvantage.
Your mind, your body, your energies, your emotions, and your
chemical composition — all these things function better when you are joyful.
The only reason why you are not able to explore something is
because you made conclusions about it long before you experientially explored
If you think somebody else is responsible for your misery,
of course, you will have to make yourself into a mess to some extent.
Right now, your whole experience of life is happening
between your ears.
If you’re really interested in looking at life in a deeper
way, the first and foremost thing is to deepen the significance of your own
The fear is simply because you are not living with life. You
are living in your mind.
Only if you are in touch with the source of creation, you
can be a sensible human being.
The quality of your life is determined by how you carry life
within you.
When you consciously evolve beyond the limitations of the
mind, there is no such thing as failure.
Technology is not only about gadgetry but about arranging our lives in a way that the survival process is handled effortlessly and there is time and space to explore other aspects and dimensions – which would not be possible if we were fully occupied with survival.
If your perception is changing at different times of your life, clearly what you did yesterday or how you saw life yesterday was a mistake. What you are doing now seems to be the right thing to you, but this can change anytime. What you do today may seem like a mistake tomorrow, and what you do tomorrow will might seem to be the right thing. So, there is a mistake in the way we perceive life. When this gets corrected, people think you are a mystic because you are beginning to perceive life in a way that you cannot fit in logic; it is way beyond logic. Logic is just a small part of your life – you can never fit life into it. You can fit logic into your life but never life into logic.