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O Lord Ganesha – Bless All with Peace and Prosperity - Why Ganesha is Worshipped First?

O Lord Ganesha, Bless us all with peace, happiness and prosperity.

Vakratunda Mahakaya
Suryakoti Samaprabha
Nirvignam Kurume Deva
Sarva kaala sarvada

Oh Lord with twisted tusk and great body
The one with the effulgence of a billion suns
Please remove the obstacles in my path
Always and in all times

Why Ganesha is Worshipped First?

In Hinduism, Lord Ganesha is often worshipped first before any other deity or undertaking due to several reasons deeply ingrained in the tradition:

Shiva gave Goddess Parvati his word that Ganesha will be worshipped first, before the beginning of all ceremonies. All Gods and Goddess will be offered pujas and prayers only after paying respect to Ganesh.

Remover of Obstacles: Ganesha is revered as the remover of obstacles and the lord of beginnings. Hindus believe that invoking his blessings at the start of any endeavor ensures success and smooth progress by removing potential obstacles.

Wisdom and Intellect: Ganesha is also known as the god of wisdom, intellect, and knowledge. By seeking his blessings first, devotees hope to gain clarity of thought and intelligence to tackle challenges effectively.

Symbol of Auspiciousness: His elephant head symbolizes wisdom, while his large ears signify the importance of listening and learning. His trunk represents adaptability and efficiency. Worshipping Ganesha is seen as auspicious and brings positive energy to the environment.

Unity in Diversity: Ganesha is a widely worshipped deity in Hinduism, transcending regional and sectarian boundaries. Worshipping him first promotes a sense of unity among diverse communities and traditions within Hinduism.

Cultural Significance: In many Hindu households and rituals, it's customary to invoke Ganesha's blessings before commencing any religious ceremony, business venture, academic pursuit, or even mundane tasks like cooking or travel. This practice has been passed down through generations and is deeply ingrained in Hindu culture.

Overall, worshipping Ganesha first is a symbolic and practical way to seek blessings for success, wisdom, and the removal of obstacles in all aspects of life.