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Sri Sri Mangeshda Quotes And Teachings

A small collection of quotes and teachings of Sri Sri Mangeshda, a Kriya Yogi.

Unconditional love and forgiveness is not as easy to practice as it appears. It is not a mere mechanical process. One needs to feel the love and forgiveness from the bottom of one’s heart and for that one needs to change one’s own attitude.

One needs to learn to accept everything and everybody including himself, as they are, without keeping any expectations from them. When one starts interacting with others with this base of love, automatically the attitude of the people around him changes.

All religions, without exception, preach humanity, forgiveness and love towards other living beings. To enjoy and experience real love, remove all the conditions because conditional love gives disappointment whereas unconditional love definitely gives real joy of love. It is something unique which has to be experienced to understand.


One needs to learn to accept ... with others with this base of love, automatically the attitude of the people around him changes.

Embracing acceptance and approaching interactions with love can profoundly impact how we relate to others and how they respond to us. Let's delve a bit deeper into this concept:

Acceptance is a powerful mindset that involves acknowledging and embracing reality as it is, without trying to change or resist it. This includes accepting ourselves, others, and the circumstances of life. When we learn to accept ourselves as we are, with all our flaws and imperfections, we free ourselves from the burden of self-criticism and judgment. This self-acceptance creates a sense of inner peace and allows us to cultivate a more authentic and compassionate relationship with ourselves.

Similarly, accepting others as they are means recognizing their unique strengths, weaknesses, and differences without trying to impose our expectations or judgments onto them. It involves letting go of the desire to change or control others and instead embracing them with empathy, understanding, and respect. When we interact with others from a place of acceptance, we create a safe and supportive environment where people feel valued and understood.

Approaching interactions with love further enhances this dynamic. Love is a powerful force that transcends boundaries and fosters connection, empathy, and kindness. When we interact with others from a place of love, we cultivate a genuine sense of care and compassion that can transform relationships and inspire positive change. Love allows us to see the humanity in others and respond with warmth and generosity, regardless of differences or conflicts.

By integrating acceptance and love into our interactions, we create a ripple effect that can influence the attitudes and behaviors of those around us. When people feel accepted and loved, they are more likely to respond with openness, trust, and kindness. This creates a positive feedback loop that enhances the overall quality of relationships and fosters a sense of harmony and interconnectedness in our communities.

In essence, learning to accept everything and everybody, including ourselves, and approaching interactions with love can lead to profound personal growth, deeper connections with others, and a more harmonious and compassionate world.