Sharamkuthi is one the last holy spots on the way to the Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple. ‘Sharam’ means arrow. Legend has it that Lord Ayyappa and his followers after defeating the Marva pada (an army of thugs) discarded their weapons at Sharam Kutti. Today, first time visitors to the Sabarimala Shrine leave Sharakol, or arrows, they carry at Saramkuthi.
First time Ayyappa devotees to the temple who follow and participate in the Petta Thullal from Erumeli to the Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple also leave their Sharakol at Saramkuthi.
The Thiruvabharanam Procession carrying the ornaments to be worn on Lord Ayyappa is given ceremonial welcome at Saramkuthi.