The Panchalinga Darshan is held at Talakad in Karnataka and involves the darshan of five Shivling during an auspicious period as per Hindu Panchang. Panchalinga Darshan 2013 at Talakad begins on December 2 and ends on December 7. The pujas and rituals associated it with begins on November 28, 2013. The Panchalinga Darshana constitutes of darshan of Shivling at Vaidyeshwara, Pataleshwara, Maruleshwara, Mallikarjuneshwara and Arakeshwara temples. It is believed that a darshan of the five Shivlings during the special occasion helps in attaining peace and prosperity. People also undertake the darshan to fulfill their desires.
Panchalinga Darshana is usually held once in 12 years at Talakad and depends on specific astrological calculation. But the 12 year cycle is broken depending on astrological calculation. The last Panchalinga Darshan was held in 2009. Panchalinga Darshan 2013 is an odd one as it falls before the next 12-year cycle.
The Panchalinga Darshana in 2013 is because Kartik Amavasi as per traditional Kannada calendar falls on Monday and thus it becomes Kartik Somavati Amavasi. Mondays are dedicated to Lord Shiva. When Amavasi falls on Monday it is known as Somavati Amavasi a highly auspicious day. To make it even more highly auspicious it falls in Kartik Month which is dedicated to Lord Shiva.
During the period of darshan, pilgrims take a holy dip in the Cauvery River (Kaveri) and worship the main deity at Vaidyeshwara temple followed by Arakeshwara, Maraleswara, Pathaleswara and Mallikarjuna temples. All the temples are located in a radius of five miles.
The Vaideshwara Temple , which is the epicenter of Panchalinga Darshan, is completely buried beneath sand dunes during certain period depending on the water level in Kaveri River . The temple comes to life when it is excavated for the Panchalinga Darshan.
Vaidyeshwara, Pataleshwara, Maruleshwara are located at Talakad, Arkeshwara is located at Vijapura, and Mallikarjuna is at Mudukuthore.
Talakad is 50 km from Mysore and 130 km from Bangalore .