Kartik Vrat is observed in Odisha in the Kartik month and the main observance in the month includes praying early morning at the Bhagwan Jagannath Temple during the morning Mangal Arati. Kartik Brata 2024 is from October 18 to November 15. Other important rituals in the month-long Kartik Brata include partial fasting, reading the Kartik Mahatmya from Padma Purana.
Most the devotees undertaking Kartik Brata stay in Puri and make it a point to visit Lord Jagannath Temple daily. Most devotees only consume the Mahaprasad from the Jagannath temple kitchen. Another important ritual in the month is the worship the holy Tulsi or Basil tree as the image of Bhagwan Jagannath.
The last five days of Kartik month is considered highly auspicious and the Jagannath Temple performs Panchuka. During the period, Lord Jagannath is depicted in five different new Veshas (attires) on each day.