Karak Chaturthi is observed on the fourth day after the full moon in the month of Kartik (October – November) as per traditional Hindu calendar followed in North India . The corresponding period in Gujarat and Maharashtra is the Ashwin month. Karak Chaturthi 2024 date is on October 20. Karak Chaturthi is popularly known as Karwa Chouth and married Hindu women fast on the day for the wellbeing of their husbands.
Karak Chaturthi is observed for a happy married life and for the well being of the husband and is one of the most popular Vrat (fasting) in Hinduism.
Fasting and prayers on Karak Chaturthi are dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. On the day, after an early morning bath married women eat food made from selects grains and fruits. All this takes place before sunrise. After sunrise the women observe strict fast. The fast is broken after sighting the moon at night. Women break the fast with an offering of water and flowers to the moon in the presence of their husbands.
Fasting and prayers on Karak Chaturthi are dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. On the day, after an early morning bath married women eat food made from selects grains and fruits. All this takes place before sunrise. After sunrise the women observe strict fast. The fast is broken after sighting the moon at night. Women break the fast with an offering of water and flowers to the moon in the presence of their husbands.
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