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Brahmachari Uddhav Chaitanya Teachings On Being Spiritual

Brahmachari Uddhav Chaitanya is associated with the Chinmaya Mission.

Spirituality is a process of reversal. Mind you, the process is reversing and not “aversing”.

It is a technique to reverse the focus from the external world to the internal world. That does not mean that we become averse to the world outside. It is just that we reorient our focus to something internal. It is a habit that has to be gradually developed and inculcated.

For instance, people in India habitually drive on the left-hand side because that is the rule. 

When we first come here to the United States and see people driving on the right-hand side and when we ourselves have to drive on the right-hand side, it takes us at least a few weeks to reorient ourselves. For some it may take even longer!

So the habit of outwardly-ness which has been a part of our nature through the ages, through so many lives, as so many different species has to be changed to turn inwards. That is called being spiritual.

Brahmachari Uddhav Chaitanya

Explanation Of The Above:

Spirituality often involves a shift in perspective, a turning inward rather than a turning away. When we talk about it being a process of reversal, we're acknowledging that it's about redirecting our attention from the external distractions of the world to the internal landscape of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

This doesn't imply a rejection or aversion to the external world. Instead, it's about finding a balance between engaging with the world and nurturing our inner selves. It's recognizing that while the external world can offer us experiences, relationships, and material possessions, true fulfillment and understanding often come from within.

Developing this inward focus is like cultivating a new habit. It takes time, patience, and practice. We gradually train our minds to pay more attention to our inner experiences – our thoughts, feelings, and intuitions – rather than being solely preoccupied with external stimuli.

In this process, we may find ourselves becoming more attuned to our inner wisdom, gaining insights into our values, purpose, and connection to something greater than ourselves. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, where we learn to listen to the whispers of our soul amidst the noise of the world.

By embracing spirituality as a process of reversal, we open ourselves up to profound transformation and a deeper sense of meaning in our lives. We learn to navigate the external world with greater clarity and purpose, grounded in the richness of our internal landscape.