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Book: The Secrets of Bhakti As Narrated by Sage Narada

‘The Secrets of Bhakti as Narrated by Sage Narada’ is a commentary on Narad Bhakti Sutras. Narad Bhatki Stutras are attributed to Devarishi Narada and is a philosophy of love for God. ‘Secrets of Bhakti’ is authored by Taoshobuddha, officially known as Brij K Saksena. Taoshobuddha calls the Narad Sutras as Aphorisms of Love

Swami Chinmayananda explains that Narad Bhakti Sutras are an authoritative text upon the philosophy of Devotion.

Bhakti Sutras consists of eighty four sutras - mostly one liner which are pregnant with meaning and explaining the path of devotion.

The Secrets of Bhakti as Narrated by Sage Narada by Taoshobuddha tries to unlock the world of Bhakti as explained by Sage Narada - Bhakti is the Union of Formless to Formless.

Here is an example of a Sutra explained in the book (excerpt):

Swayam Faloopteteti Brahma Kumara – Sutra 30

Bhakti is its own reward; thus declare Sanat Kumara, the son of Lord Brahma

Love is its own reward. Such is the opinion of Santa Kumara. Devotion depends on nothing. Love breeds itself. A devotee is born for devotion. Also he seeks his fulfillment from Love alone. The more he pours out of his being, the more love grows. Love reciprocates love. In devotion love functions both as the means and the end as well.

Devotion springs forth in some, sometimes, not because of any specific reason. It emerges itself. And when it springs forth, it engulfs the entire being. One cannot resist this. And when devotion grows it discovers its own fulfillment.

The Secrets of Bhakti As Narrated by Sage Narada is published by Sterling Paperbacks. The book contains a scholarly introduction by Prof. Rattan Lal Hangloo. The book is compiled and edited by Swami Anand Neelambar.

The Secrets of Bhakti As Narrated by Sage Narada
Written by Taoshobuddha
Published by Sterling Paperbacks
Price 350/-

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