Ashunya Shayan Vrat, also known as Ashunya Sayana Dwitiya, is an observance dedicated to Bhagavan Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. Ashunya Shayan Vrata is observed in the Shravan month (July – August) in the traditional calendar followed in North India . In some regions it is observed in the Ashada or Bhadrapad or Kartik Month (November).
It is believed that those who observe Ashunya Shayan Vrat will attain material progress and prosperity. A story mentioned in the Narada Purana narrates how a poor man was born as King in his next birth as a result of performing Ashunya Sayana Dwitiya Vrat.
Ashunya Shayan Vrat is observed during different time in a year. It is usually observed on the first or second day of Krishna Paksha (waning or dark phase of moon) in Ashada or Sawan or Bhadrapad or Kartik Month.