Kumar Sashti, also known as Kumara Sashti, is dedicated to Lord Kartik, the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Kartik is also known as Kumar, Muruga and Subrahmanya. In 2025, the date of Kumar Sashti is July 1. Kumar Sashti is believed to be the day when Lord Kartikeya is said to have appeared on earth to defeat Adharma. Kumar Shasti is an important and auspicious day in Nepal and western parts of India .
It must be noted that the birthday of Lord Kartik is observed differently in different cultures. In South India , it is observed during Vaikasi Visakam in May or June.
Kumar Sashti is observed on the sixth day of the Shukla Paksha of Ashada Month.
Kumar Sashti is observed on the sixth day of the Shukla Paksha of Ashada Month.
Legend has it that Lord Kartikeya was born to defeat the demons and uphold dharma. Thus he is the General of the Army of Devas and vanquishes demons.
The festival is of great importance in Nepal and western parts of India . In Nepal , devout Hindus draw a red circle in front of the house with a mixture of red clay and cow dung.
Numerous rituals are observed on the day in Nepal in various temples dedicated to Lord Kumar.
Shasti falling after Amavasya is highly auspicious for Lord Muruga devotees and many devout Hindus in South India observe a fast on the day.
Those who have trouble in relationships will find relief if Dahi and Sindhoor are offered to Kumara. The same offering is good for overcoming enemy related troubles.
Peacock feather blessed from Skanda temple should be kept in the Southwest corner of the office, house or factory for attaining wealth and prosperity.
Note - Kumara or Skanda is known as Muruga in South India. His worship is most popular in these regions. South India does not observe this Sashti.
How to Observe Kumar Sashti?
Lighting six lamps in temples dedicated to Skanda or Shiva will help in overcoming business and financial troubles.Those who have trouble in relationships will find relief if Dahi and Sindhoor are offered to Kumara. The same offering is good for overcoming enemy related troubles.
Peacock feather blessed from Skanda temple should be kept in the Southwest corner of the office, house or factory for attaining wealth and prosperity.
Note - Kumara or Skanda is known as Muruga in South India. His worship is most popular in these regions. South India does not observe this Sashti.
Please note that in South India , the incarnation day of Kumara is different and it is observed on Vaikasi Visakam day in May or June.