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Thai Pongal Kolam – Pictures of Pongal Kolams

Kolams, known as Rangoli in North India, signify luck, hope and prosperity. A traditional simple kolam is drawn daily in most houses in South India and then there are special kolams drawn during pujas, rituals and festivals like Pongal, Tamil New Year, Vaikunta Ekadasi, Makar Sankranti etc. Kolams drawn during Pongal is based on the symbols of the festival like pongal pot, sugarcane, cow, ox and Lord Surya. Here are the photos of Pongal Kolams as examples.

It must be noted that today most Pongal kolams concentrate on designs and some of the important symbols of Pongal festival are avoided.

This first Kolam is of Padmavathy Venkat who had put the kolam for Pongal

(click on the image for a larger view)
click on the image for a larger view