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Story Of Ravana Defeating Varuna

The story of Ravana’s encounter with Varuna in the Krittibasi Ramayana, a Bengali adaptation of the Ramayana by Krittibas Ojha, showcases Ravana’s conquests after receiving boons from Brahma. This episode highlights his quest to assert dominance over various divine beings and realms. Here’s a detailed retelling of the story:

Ravana's Encounter with Varuna: The God of Waters

After Ravana, the ten-headed demon king of Lanka, received extraordinary boons from Brahma, he was emboldened to challenge the mightiest beings in the universe. His quest for power and dominance led him to venture across different realms, conquering and subjugating all who stood in his path.

Journey to the Netherworld

Ravana's conquests began with a successful campaign against the Nagas, the serpent beings of the netherworld. Buoyed by this victory, he set his sights on the domain of Varuna, the God of Waters, ruler of the oceans and lord of the western direction.

As Ravana approached Varuna's realm, he encountered Surabhi, the celestial cow. Known for her divine powers and blessings, Surabhi was revered among gods and sages alike. Seeking her favor, Ravana respectfully approached her. Surabhi, aware of Ravana's might and the divine boons he possessed, offered her blessings, acknowledging his strength and ambition.

The Challenge to Varuna

With Surabhi's blessings, Ravana advanced to the abode of Varuna. Expecting a grand confrontation with the mighty deity, he boldly knocked on the doors of Varuna’s palace. To his surprise, Varuna was absent, having departed to meet with Brahma, the creator god.

In Varuna's place, his sons stood ready to defend their father’s realm. Unwilling to let an intruder challenge their dominion, they launched a fierce attack on Ravana. Their arrows were swift and true, piercing Ravana and causing him to stagger and faint from the onslaught.

The Commander's Response

Seeing their master fall, Ravana's commander, whose name is often left unspecified in many retellings, took up arms against Varuna’s sons. The battle was fierce and extended into the sky, where the brothers exhibited remarkable prowess in aerial combat. However, despite their valiant efforts, they could not withstand the relentless assault of Ravana's forces and were eventually overpowered and defeated.

The Search for Varuna

Triumphant, yet unfulfilled without a direct confrontation with Varuna, Ravana continued his search for the god of waters. Learning that Varuna had gone to meet Brahma, Ravana was undeterred. In a bold and defiant act, he seized Varuna's noose, a powerful and symbolic weapon of the water god. This noose was known for its ability to bind and subdue enemies, and by taking it, Ravana demonstrated his audacity and disregard for the established order of the divine realms.


Leaving Varuna’s realm with the noose in hand, Ravana’s act of defiance and theft signaled his unrelenting quest for supremacy. His actions sent a clear message to the gods and beings of the universe: Ravana was a force to be reckoned with, one who would not be deterred by any authority or boundary.

This episode from the Krittibasi Ramayana emphasizes Ravana's ambition and his relentless pursuit of power, even against divine beings. It showcases his fearlessness and willingness to confront and challenge the gods, setting the stage for his ultimate role as the antagonist in the epic saga of the Ramayana.