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Before Worshipping God You Should Become God – Wisdom Of Hindu Sages

The phrase "Before Worshipping God You Should Become God – Wisdom of Hindu Sages" encapsulates a profound spiritual teaching that invites deeper contemplation. This teaching is rooted in the rich philosophical and spiritual traditions of Hinduism. Here's an expansion on its meaning and significance:

Understanding the Concept

1. Inner Divinity and Self-Realization

Hindu sages often emphasize the idea that divinity resides within each individual. The phrase suggests that before one can truly worship God in the external sense, one must first recognize and realize the divine essence within oneself. This is aligned with the Advaita Vedanta philosophy, which teaches that the individual soul (Atman) is identical to the universal soul (Brahman).

2. Path to Enlightenment

Becoming God, in this context, means attaining a state of self-realization or enlightenment (moksha). This involves a journey of inner transformation, self-purification, and spiritual growth. The sages advocate for self-discipline, meditation, and devotion as means to achieve this state.

Key Elements of the Teaching

1. Self-Discovery

  • Atman and Brahman: Understanding that the self (Atman) is not separate from the ultimate reality (Brahman) is crucial. This realization dissolves the ego and the illusion of separateness, leading to a state of unity with the divine.
  • Meditation and Self-Inquiry: Practices such as meditation (dhyana) and self-inquiry (atma-vichara) are tools to delve into one's true nature.

2. Purification of Mind and Heart

  • Ethical Living (Yamas and Niyamas): Adhering to ethical guidelines such as non-violence (ahimsa), truthfulness (satya), and self-discipline (tapas) purifies the mind and heart.
  • Bhakti and Surrender: Developing a deep sense of devotion (bhakti) and surrender to the divine will fosters humility and opens the heart to divine grace.

3. Transcendence of Ego

  • Detachment (Vairagya): Letting go of attachment to worldly desires and egoistic tendencies is essential for spiritual growth.
  • Wisdom (Jnana): Gaining knowledge through the study of scriptures (shastra) and the guidance of a realized guru leads to the wisdom necessary to see beyond the ego.

Practical Implications

1. Daily Practice

Incorporating daily spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and selfless service helps in gradually transforming the individual consciousness.

2. Living with Awareness

Living with awareness of one's divine nature influences every aspect of life, promoting harmony, compassion, and a sense of interconnectedness with all beings.

The wisdom of Hindu sages encapsulated in the phrase "Before Worshipping God You Should Become God" encourages a profound shift from external ritualism to internal transformation. It is an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, inner purification, and realization of one's true divine nature. By becoming aware of the divinity within, one can truly worship God in the fullest sense, recognizing the divine presence both within and without.