The Mahabharata is not a mere epic; it is a romance, telling the tale of heroic men and women and of some who were divine; it is a whole literature in itself, containing a code of life, a philosophy of social and ethical relations, and speculative thought on human problems that is hard to rival; but, above all, it has for its core the Gita, which is, as the world is beginning to find out, the noblest of scriptures and the grandest of sagas the climax of which is reached in the wondrous Apocalypse in the Eleventh Canto. Through such books alone, the harmonies underlying true culture, I am convinced, will one day reconcile the disorders of modern life.
K M Munshi (Kulapati K. M. Munshi is the founder of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan)
K.M. Munshi's statement beautifully encapsulates the profound significance of the Mahabharata, elevating it beyond a mere epic to a comprehensive literary, philosophical, and spiritual masterpiece. Let's break down the key points:
Romance of Heroes: Munshi acknowledges the Mahabharata as a
saga of heroic figures, both mortal and divine, whose actions and struggles
form the core narrative.
Literary Richness: He emphasizes that the Mahabharata is not
just a story but a vast literature encompassing various genres, including
poetry, prose, drama, and philosophy.
Code of Life: Within its verses, the Mahabharata imparts a
profound code of conduct, providing guidance on how to navigate life's
complexities and moral dilemmas.
Philosophy: Munshi highlights the philosophical depth of the
Mahabharata, which explores intricate questions of ethics, social relations,
duty, and existential concerns.
The Bhagavad Gita: Central to the Mahabharata is the
Bhagavad Gita, revered as one of the world's most profound spiritual texts.
Munshi extols its teachings, suggesting that its wisdom can guide humanity
toward harmony and enlightenment.
Climax in the Eleventh Canto: Munshi specifically mentions
the "wondrous Apocalypse in the Eleventh Canto," referring to the
dramatic events and revelations that unfold towards the epic's conclusion,
symbolizing the culmination of its overarching themes.
Reconciliation of Modern Life: Munshi expresses his belief
that the timeless wisdom contained within the Mahabharata, especially the
Bhagavad Gita, has the potential to address the complexities and chaos of
modern existence, offering a path to harmony and cultural renewal.
In essence, Munshi's reflection underscores the enduring
relevance and profound impact of the Mahabharata, positioning it as not only a
literary masterpiece but also a spiritual and philosophical guide for humanity.