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By Negating Transitory Or Superficial We Will Come To Realization That We Are Supreme Consciousness – Hindu Religion

To expand on the phrase "By Negating Transitory Or Superficial We Will Come To Realization That We Are Supreme Consciousness" from the Hindu religion, we can delve into its profound philosophical implications by exploring several key concepts from the Hindu tradition. This phrase encapsulates the essence of many Hindu philosophical systems, particularly Advaita Vedanta, and reflects the journey toward self-realization and ultimate truth. Here's a detailed exploration:

Core Concepts Explained

  1. Transitory and Superficial:

    • Maya: In Hindu philosophy, Maya refers to the illusion or appearance of the material world. It is the ever-changing, fleeting nature of existence that distracts us from perceiving the underlying reality.
    • Anitya: This term means impermanence. Everything in the material world is subject to change, decay, and dissolution. Recognizing the impermanence of worldly objects and experiences is crucial to spiritual awakening.
    • Asat: This term represents falsehood or that which is not eternal. The transitory and superficial aspects of life fall into this category, as they are temporary and do not constitute ultimate truth.
  2. Negation Process (Neti Neti):

    • Neti Neti: A Sanskrit phrase meaning "not this, not that." This method of negation is used in Advaita Vedanta to strip away all attributes, forms, and phenomena that are not the ultimate reality (Brahman). By continually rejecting what is not real or eternal, one can approach the realization of the Supreme Consciousness.
    • Vairagya: This is the practice of detachment from worldly desires and material possessions. It involves developing a dispassionate attitude towards transient pleasures and pains, which helps in focusing on the eternal truth.
  3. Supreme Consciousness (Brahman):

    • Brahman: The ultimate reality in Hindu philosophy, especially in Advaita Vedanta. Brahman is infinite, eternal, and beyond all forms and names. It is the source and essence of everything.
    • Atman: The inner self or soul, which is believed to be identical with Brahman. The realization that one's true self (Atman) is Brahman is the pinnacle of spiritual enlightenment.
    • Sat-Chit-Ananda: This phrase describes the nature of Brahman as being (Sat), consciousness (Chit), and bliss (Ananda). Realizing Brahman is often described as experiencing pure, unbounded bliss and consciousness.
  4. Realization of True Nature:

    • Moksha: Liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara). This is achieved through the realization of one's true nature as Atman and the recognition of its unity with Brahman.
    • Jnana: Knowledge or wisdom, specifically the experiential knowledge of one's identity with Brahman. This realization is not merely intellectual but a deep, transformative understanding.
    • Aham Brahmasmi: A Mahavakya (great saying) from the Upanishads, meaning "I am Brahman." It encapsulates the realization of the non-dual nature of reality, where the individual self is understood to be one with the Supreme Consciousness.

Philosophical Pathways

  1. Jnana Yoga (Path of Knowledge):

    • In Jnana Yoga, the seeker uses discrimination (Viveka) and detachment (Vairagya) to transcend the ego and false identifications with the body, mind, and emotions. This path emphasizes self-inquiry and meditation on the nature of the self and the universe.
  2. Bhakti Yoga (Path of Devotion):

    • While not directly about negation, Bhakti Yoga involves surrendering the ego and dissolving the sense of separateness through love and devotion to the divine. In this process, the superficial distinctions between the devotee and the divine are overcome, leading to a realization of oneness with the Supreme.
  3. Raja Yoga (Path of Meditation):

    • This path involves systematic meditation practices that calm the mind and bring it to a state of pure awareness. By transcending the superficial layers of thought and emotion, one experiences the inner stillness and realizes the Supreme Consciousness.

Practical Implications

  1. Detachment from Worldly Concerns:

    • By recognizing the transient nature of worldly possessions and achievements, one cultivates detachment and reduces suffering. This leads to a more peaceful and centered life, aligned with spiritual goals.
  2. Focus on Inner Growth:

    • The journey of negation and realization encourages a shift from external pursuits to inner exploration. It fosters a deep understanding of oneself and one’s relationship with the universe.
  3. Living with Higher Awareness:

    • Realizing oneself as the Supreme Consciousness transforms one’s perception of life. It brings a sense of unity with all beings and a compassionate outlook, as one sees the same divine essence in everyone and everything.

Scriptural References

  1. Bhagavad Gita:

    • The Gita discusses the impermanence of the body and the eternal nature of the soul (Atman). It emphasizes detachment from the fruits of actions and the realization of the self's true nature.
    • Quote: "As a man casting off worn-out garments puts on new ones, so the embodied soul, casting off worn-out bodies, enters into others that are new." (Bhagavad Gita 2.22)
  2. Upanishads:

    • The Upanishads delve deeply into the nature of Brahman and the process of realizing one's identity with it. The teachings often employ the method of negation to strip away false identifications.
    • Quote: "Brahman is the imperishable. He who knows Him becomes the Knower of all." (Mundaka Upanishad 1.3)
  3. Ashtavakra Gita:

    • This text is a conversation between the sage Ashtavakra and King Janaka, emphasizing the unreality of the world and the importance of self-knowledge in attaining liberation.
    • Quote: "You do not belong to the Brahmin or any other caste, you are not at any stage, nor are you anything that the eye can see. You are unattached and formless, the witness of everything—so be happy." (Ashtavakra Gita 1.5)

The phrase "By Negating Transitory Or Superficial We Will Come To Realization That We Are Supreme Consciousness" is a profound summary of a transformative spiritual process in Hindu philosophy. It calls for the discernment and rejection of the non-eternal and illusory aspects of existence, guiding the seeker towards the recognition of their true, infinite nature as the Supreme Consciousness. This journey from illusion to truth is central to the pursuit of liberation (Moksha) and the ultimate goal of human life in Hinduism.