A collection of thoughts and quotes on Onam festival of Kerala.
When Maveli ruled the land
Everyone was equal
Happily they lived
Danger befell none
There was no falsehood, or fraud
And no untruth
When Maveli ruled the land
Everyone was equal
Happily they lived
Danger befell none
There was no falsehood, or fraud
And no untruth
Malayalees celebrate Onam in remembrance of this golden era of King Mahabali. Mahabali visits his dear people during Onam.
Here are some thoughts on Onam
We celebrate Onam to commemorate a glorious past. All of us yearn for a time like that of King Mahabali, a time when prosperity, joy and love blended. But in order to realize this dream we need to put forward creative and sustained effort.
We have lost the true spirit of Onam. Let each of our actions be a yajna for universal good. May the new clothes we wear be that of Dharma and faith. May our hearts be united in love and joy, and make life an everlasting Thiruvonam. Thus we can retrieve the lost Onam.
Life becomes a festival when gaiety and culture blend. Onam delivers the message of both.
During Onam, we arrange an ornamental design of flowers from the day of Attam. Actually this flower welcome for the Lord should be within us. The Lord will have His dearest flower design when each and every heart resonates with compassion and love.
Amma Mata Amritanandamayi
In the evolutionary order of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, we find that Vamana is the first incarnation with a human body. By now, the animalistic features are discarded and Human Being is born. Here we have to note that Vamana is not born outside but in the mind of Rakshasa or Demon King Mahabali, who has changed his Rakshasa nature and sticks to truthfulness and charity. He rises prepared to sacrifice his everything. To Vamana he not only gave all the three worlds he possessed but also allowed to boy to place his foot on his own head. Thereby Mahabali made the greatest sacrifice – the absolute sacrifice of his own ego.
B R Govindan Kutty in an article on Onam