Nandi Shradham, also referred as Naandi Shradh, is an ancestral worship performed before marriage in South India by some communities. It is similar to the annual rites that are performed for dead ancestors and relatives. In Nandi Shraddham, the dead relatives and ancestors are invoked and their blessings are sought before marriage and other auspicious functions and beginnings.
‘Naandi’ or ‘Nandhi’ means pleasing. Shradh is that which is done with care – the ancestral worship. Thus Nandi Shradham is that which is pleasing to the ancestors.
The offerings made in Shradham are usually food or material needed for making food or money.
Gifting money is the most popular mode of Nandhi Shradham for many communities.
The Nandi Shradh performed before the wedding is done by both the groom’s and bride’s family. The head of the family, or bride’s father, usually performs the ceremony in the bride’s home. In the case of groom’s home, the groom usually performs the ceremony.
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