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Hanuman Quotes and Teachings from Ramayana

Quotes and teachings of Hanuman from Ramayana.

When Hanuman first met Sri Ram, he says: ‘the jeeva is deluded by maya, so I could not recognize my lord in your form’.

On another occasion Hanuman tells Rama: ‘when I think of myself as a body, I am your servant; when I think of myself as an individual soul, I am part of you; but when I realize I am atman, you and I become one.’

Hanuman to Tara, wife of Vali: A man reaps the fruits of the actions he has performed: actions whether good or bad, and death grants him these fruits. No man’s action depends on those of another. This human body is like a bubble on the surface of water. No one need mourn for another since we are all to be pitied. You are in a pitiable state and you feel sorry for Vali who is dead. There is no cause for grief in this world where everything is transient.

Source of below quotes: Hanuman tries to console Tara, wife of Vali who was killed by Lord Rama, with these words

A man reaps the fruits of the actions he has performed: actions whether good or bad, and death grants him these fruits.

No man’s action depends on those of another.

This human body is like a bubble of water on the surface of water.

No one need mourn for another since we are all to be pitied.

There is no cause of grief in this world where everything is transient.

Birth and death are inevitable and life on earth is not permanent. That is the reason why a man should try and perform as many good acts as he can when he is alive.